The Quiet Immigrant Project

Join us at the the Royal Rose Art Gallery to recognize the voices and stories of unassuming Canadian Italian matriarchs for the opening reception of The Quiet Immigrant Project on June 19, 2024 from 6-8pm.


Highlight and explore the histories, beliefs, life lessons, and legacies of the “Femmine Forti” through visual and literary content.


Honour the heritage of Italian Canadian Women Immigrants’ courage and strength. In amplifying their voices, we honour, pay tribute, and celebrate this generation of ‘journey-women’.

Core Values:

Value the stories and autonomy of Italian Canadian Women Immigrants while finding inspiration in their grace, character, language, and virtues.

“It has been quite the ride of emotions as we lifted this project from a concept in 2010, to interviews that began in 2018, and finally a concrete exhibit and production in 2022. The stories shared have been remarkable, unique, tragic, comic…a ‘full Italian Opera’. I was humbled and honoured by the trust shared with their most intimate and deeply personal details.

This project goes beyond nostalgia, and the continued interest – something we had hoped from the onset – has generated impactful conversations around our matriarchs…le nostre Femmine Forti!”

A note from Laura Libralato, the Director & Curator of The Quiet Immigrant Project